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  文书虐我千百遍, 我待文书如初恋。申请季一到, 成千上万的小伙伴们就开始了日复一日的苦逼文书之旅。然而, 在我们千辛万苦得完成CA主文书写作后,美国大学(主要集中在综合排名前60的大学)还有不同题目以及不同要求的essays, 基本上每篇文章都要重新构思和撰写, 简直累觉不爱。


  常见的essay类型有“why essay”(eg.Why school / major);“community essay”(eg. Everyone belongs to many different communities and / or groups defined by shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it);“activity / experience essay”(eg. Please briefly elaborate on one of your extra curricular activities or work experiences that was particularly meaningful to you)。

  本文着重介绍出现最频繁的 “why essay” 及其写作技巧。

  “Why Essay”一般出现在CA系统的supplement部分。大致的问题如“你为什么想来我们这所学校?” “你希望从我们学校获得什么” “你为什么选择这个专业” “如果你目前还没有选专业,你的学术兴趣和目标是什么,以及你对未来有什么规划”等等。这种问题用于区分学生是否真的对这所学校有passion或者fit。


  大家常把“why essay”定义为给美国大学的“情书”。竟然是一封“情书”,那么掌握一定的“求爱技巧”是必不可少的。


  通过各种渠道去了解这个学校的特色,比如大学官网,www.shenqing.me,usnews,Princeton review,校友或者学校的巡展活动。找出这个学校吸引你的地方,不论大小都可以。


  一般情况下,当你写到why essay的时候应该已经到了申请中期,也通过头脑风暴或自我反思在一定程度上了解了自己。如果没有的话,花几分钟时间回顾一下过往活动,起码得知道自己的性格,学术上的长短处在哪里。







  “Why essay”可分为“why school”和“why major”,分别可从以下几个方面进行研究。

  Why School

  1.警言,校训:学校有什么spirits, motto,mission是你特别赞同并有所实践的?

  2.课程设置有没有你曾经听过online open course是跟这个学校某些课程相似的内容?读过什么书跟它里面的某节课的必读书目相似等。

  3.教授:具体到那位老师的哪个实验室项目,你曾经有过一些简单的相关领域的认识,希望有机会加进去,进一步得到系统训练和指导?同时将自己之前的一些不成熟的想法带到团队中去inspire others。



  Why Major






  总之,对于Why essay写作来说还要有对学校特色的充分了解,避免张冠李戴。同时,更要有自己的真情实感,这样才能打动招生官,让学校有充足的信心录取你。


  最后附带一篇Y同学申请布朗大学与罗德岛设计学院合作的A.B./B.F.A.双学位项目的“why major” essay, 巧妙的把她对历史学(申请专业)的热爱与艺术(主文书展现的是她在美术方面的天赋)联系起来。

  My rule of choosing major is simple. Passion decides all. Especially when I saw the words printed on the booklet I brought from Brown summer admission presentation in Shanghai, I pinpointed my dream school and major immediately. A program combining my two academic idealities, undoubtedly is not A CHOICE, but THE CHOICE.

  As a student who benefits for more than ten years in study, from my wide reading and interests, I understand the promoting impact between disciplines exists among all fields,so the case of history and fine arts is the single one. History is the most catholic subject, including every academic field we human-being founded. Everything once existing in this world now generates a part of history, so art,as the one of major ways people use to express opinions and feelings, show the judgment that people of certain generation hold about events and figures. Or sometimes, when the most reliable archaeological evidence and official record lack, art forms, especially fine arts, created by the contemporary witnesses, become the most stable foundation on which we establish our suppositions.

  In turn, artists need comprehensive understanding about the objects they depict. When I learned sketching years ago, the main objects of my sketches were plaster models of historical figures, like, Voltaire, David, Gorky, and so on. The most touching part of the models is always the eyes, through which morale and vigor are shown incisively. To depict their expressive eyes inplace, I should understand the emotions embraced in their sight, feeling stwisted with their brow ridges, and stories hidden in lines of their hair and skin. All these connotations can be discovered exhaustively by reading historical materials, understanding the backgrounds of those figures, and figuring out the reasons why they show diverse looks. As for Chinese traditional painting skills, different dynasties favor different painting styles. Tang dynasty advocated plump images with luxuriant tone and compositions, resulting from contemporary people's desire to show the prosperity of the flourishing period, while Song dynasty preferred lean characters with simple colors and lines, on account of artists pent-up emotions caused by disintegration of country land. To command the essence of different genres of traditional paintings, being familiar with the historical soil they germinated from is necessary.

  I'm not sure whether I would start a career tightly relative to history or fine arts, because I don't choose those two majors out of the concern of planning my career development. As I said in the Cross-Strait Debating Competition two years ago: “The right college won't build you a broad road to a brilliant career, but an integrated personality leading to success of real meaning, that's, whatever you do in the future, this world become lighter on your own account.”